Our Accomplishments
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Back to School BBQ | September
Supported the Welcome Back BBQ for students, parents and teachers.
Halloween Dance | October
Hosted a successful Halloween Dance with DJ, drinks & snacks.
Halloween Door Decorating Contest
Supported school spirit, organized, and provided winning doors with a hot dog lunch.
Bingo Night | November
Enjoyed a night out playing bingo to help fundraise for future school projects.
Purdys Chocolatier Holiday Fundraiser | November – December
Home & School received a percentage of sales from parents who placed chocolate orders.
$10, 000 L. A. School Spend | November & December
Purchased much needed school equipment and supplies using fundraised money. The wish list was provided by the school departments and teachers.
Homeroom Teacher Support: $3000 - Classroom supplies
Music Department: $2000 - Piano and stool
French as a Second Language Department: $1500 - French books and reading support materials
Physical Education Department: $800 - Reversible L. A. school lynx branded sports jerseys for sports tournaments
Art Department: $500 - Paint, pastels, paper, clay and art accessories to support the arts
Drama Department: $500 - Tools and materials to support dramatic arts
Kindergarten Program: $500 - Indoor and outdoor equipment to support play
Library Furniture: $500 - Fun, interactive chairs for the junior campus library
Junior Campus $350 - Indoor and outdoor sports & play equipment
Senior Campus $350 - Indoor and outdoor sports & play equipment
Holiday Door Decorating Contest | December
Supported school spirit, organized, and provided winning doors with a hot dog lunch.
Christmas Bazaar | December
Organized a Christmas Bazaar to raise funds for the school.
Pizza Lunch - Pizza Days | Year-Long
Fundraised by selling pizza and by providing volunteers to deliver to the classrooms.
​L. A. Glam | Year-Long
Fundraised and supported school spirit through sales of youth and adult sized branded clothing.
Fundscrip, Mabel's Labels and Oliver’s Labels | Year-Long
Home & School received a percentage of sales from parents who purchased gift cards and labels.
Home & School parents volunteered their time at the school to help with the following activities:
L. A. Sport Tournament Days - Organized and assisted with lunch.
School Photo Days - Provided support.
Vision Screening - Provided support.